Tube blast is terror incident, say police
Tube blast is terror incident, say police
Radio 5 live he saw a bucket in a supermarket bag with "low-level flames coming out of it" by the door of the rear carriage.AnalysisBy BBC home affairs correspondent Dominic CascianiThis is the fifth terrorism incident of 2017 in which an attack has taken place. It's the only one this year in which nobody has died. The previous four saw 36 people killed.Police believe they have stopped six other significant plots - all of which will soon be coming before the courts.Put plainly, this is the most sustained period of terrorist activity in England since the IRA bombing campaign of the early 1970s.What happens now? The Metropolitan Police's Counter-Terrorism Command needs to get to the bottom of three key questions. One: Who did it? Two: Are there any more devices out there? Three: Who else, if anyone, is involved?Experts from the government's secret explosives research laboratory will be looking at the evidence from the train and seeing whether it matches anything else they have seen before. Image copyrightGETTY IMAGESImage captionThere have been a "number of people" injured, police said Media captionWitnesses describe the explosion at Parsons GreenOne witness, called Luke, told 5 live there was "a sort of loud explosion"."It happened just as we were pulling up to the Tube station so everyone just sort of piled out of the Tube and there was a distinct smell of burning," he said.Emma Stevie, 27, who was on the train when the explosion happened, said she was caught in a "human stampede" and crush on the station steps as people rushed away from the train."I wedged myself in next to a railing, I put myself in the foetal position," she said."There was a pregnant woman underneath me, and I was trying really hard not to crush her."I saw a poor little boy with a smashed-in head and other injuries. It was horrible." Media captionBBC presenter Sophie Raworth was near Parsons Green station minutes after the incident happenedAt Parsons GreenBy Jennifer Scott, BBC NewsLondon has again fallen victim to a terror attack, targeting commuters on their way to work and visitors venturing out into the city.With 22 people hospitalised, this bustling part of zone two was left confused and shocked, waiting anxiously for an explanation.Olaniyi Shokumai was riding the Tube on the way to a training course, with his headphones plugged in and listening to music - just as he would on any other journey.After the train pulled into Parsons Green station, however, things became far from ordinary."I looked to my left and I saw lots of people running out. There were a lot of people just stamping on each other and I saw someone jumping over [them]."There was a woman on the floor and she couldn't breathe. I thought, 'This has got to be serious for people to do that.'"Read more.CFN
London presenter Riz Lateef, who was at Parsons Green on her way in to work, said: "There was panic as people rushed from the train, hearing what appeared to be an explosion."People were left with cuts and grazes from trying to flee the scene. There was lots of panic."BBC News presenter Sophie Raworth said she saw a woman on a stretcher with burns to her face and legs. Image copyrightAFPImage captionThe blast happened at 08:20 BST (07:20 GMT) at Parsons Green District Line station Image
copyrightREUTERSImage captionWitnesses have described seeing at least one passenger with facial injuriesAre you at Parsons Green station? Did you witness the events? If it's safe to share your experiences then please email

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