N’KOREA MISSILE ACTIVITIES: US, Japan, S’Korean fighter jets conduct show of force

N’KOREA MISSILE ACTIVITIES: US, Japan, S’Korean fighter jets conduct show of force

U.S. fighter jets and bombers conducted a show of force alongside Japanese and South Korean allies, days after defiant North Korea led by Kim Jong Un fired a ballistic missile over Japan.
According to the U.S. military, American Marine Corps F-35B fighter jets based in Japan joined Air Force B-1B bombers from Guam on Wednesday for the first time, flying over parts of South Korea and practicing attack capabilities with South Korean aircraft.
The U.S. and South Korean planes released live weapons at the Pilsung training area, a bombing range in South Korea. The F-35 is the newest and most advanced aircraft in the U.S. military.
Two days ago, North Korea’s firing of a ballistic missile over Japan was unanimously condemned by the United Nations Security Council which described the move as an “outrageous” threat and demanded that Pyongyang not launch any more missiles.
Rising from a meeting, the 15-member Security Council in a statement said it was of “vital importance” that North Korea take immediate, concrete actions to reduce tensions.
The Security Council also called on North Korea to abandon all nuclear weapons and programmes, urging all states to implement United Nations sanctions on Pyongyang while also expressing “its commitment to a peaceful, diplomatic and political solution”.

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