Model Thrown into Jail Over N*de Photoshoot at Egyptian Temple (Photo) A model's freedom was threatened in North Africa after she was accused of defiling a holy ground in the country with an act of obscenity. Marisa Papen A Belgian model Marisa Papen forced to spend a night in an Egyptian jail after being caught posing n*de in an ancient temple has said she is determined to keep up her ‘yell for freedom’ in conservative Islamic countries. Papen who describes herself as a ‘free-spirited and wild-hearted expressionist’, travelled with photographer Jesse Walker to North Africa for a shoot at some of the most famous landmarks of ancient Egypt. The n*de photo model, from the Flanders region of Belgium, met up in Cairo with photographer Walker who flew in all the way from Australia to do the shoot. And even though the pair said they were aware of the cultural, political and religious differences between Egypt and the West when it comes to nudity, the adventure ended differently than they both expected. Early in their trip during the first photoshoot near the famous pyramids of Giza, the two got into trouble. They reportedly bribed a security guard to start the photoshoot when two other men showed up. Papen said: ‘I was suddenly completely awake, like a cold shower at 5am in the morning. ‘We tried to explain them that we were making art with the highest respect for Egyptian culture, but they could not see a connection between nudity and art. ‘In their eyes it was porn, or something like that.’ In the end, Papen and Walker managed to stay out of trouble by bribing them with £15. After Giza, the two travelled to Luxor to visit the vast temple complex of Karnak to shoot pictures with the theme of ‘dance’, which is where their trip unraveled.
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